
Who I Am

I’m Matt, an Apple-focused technology professional based out of the Boston area. I currently work remotely for a healthcare startup and am accompanied by my wife, rescue dog Jayne, and (as of mid-March 2022, very very soon to be) daughter.

I enjoy tinkering with small electronics and have too many Raspberry Pis. I take way too many pictures of my dog. I’ve been known to grill on occasion, and I make a mean cheesecake.


Before getting into technology, I spent 8 years in the US Navy as an intelligence analyst. It sounds interesting. Some days were, but for the most part it was…not. I did get to spend a year in Afghanistan and meet some very friendly and passionate locals. While I am strongly opposed to the US campaign there and its premise, I’m glad I had the opportunity to experience a culture most people never see.

I have an Associate of Science in IT Security and am working on my Bachelor’s degree nights/online as time allows. At some point in one’s career, having a degree becomes significantly less relevant to prospective employers than real-world experience. To me, finishing my degree is a point of pride–I’m a first-generation college graduate even with my AS, and feel driven to join my peers at the Baccalaureate level.

My technology career started as a part-time internship while still in school. This eventually morphed into a salaried position after graduation, and gave me my first exposure to the Casper Suite (now Jamf Pro) in 2015. Since then, I’ve continued to specialize in all things Apple, and have managed Mac deployments at startups, midsize companies, and a century-old global enterprise.

What I Do

  • Identity and Access Management
    • Employee lifecycle and SSO app integration with Okta
    • Federated authentication with Azure Active Directory
    • User, group, and role management with Google Workspace
  • Endpoint management and automation
    • Total macOS/iOS device management with Jamf Pro
    • Security and compliance reporting and remediation
    • “Zero Touch” device provisioning workflows
    • App update enforcement with a painless user experience
  • Automation platforms/coding
    • Okta Workflows
      • Access request automation with dynamic approvals
      • User onboarding/offboarding automation
      • Custom integrations with other SaaS platforms
    • Proficient in bash/zsh and Python

At home, I operate both internal and externally-accessible services using Docker, Nginx, Certbot, and other apps.